With a little help from the Conference Board of Canada, the Financial Post is offering a self-defeating straw man on the issue of government funding for battery plants. Here’s what they write: Picking battery plants to solve Canada’s productivity crisis ‘dangerous road,’ report says. Better approach would be to cut taxes and let markets find…
Interest Rates
We just moved to a 5% interest rate here in Canada. The reason, we are told, is to combat inflation. There certainly does appear to be inflation; prices are noticeably higher after the pandemic. But are interest rate hikes the cure? The argument is that inflation is caused by increased spending, especially on debt-funded high-ticket…
The Dock Workers
There are continued calls to legislate the BC dock workers back to work. And of course employers don’t need to negotiate; they just need to wait for the federal government to make the move. But why do we always opt for ‘legislate them back to work’? Why is it never ‘legislate the companies to pay…
Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons is a chain of coffee shops founded by and named after a hockey player. It has been around as long as I can remember. I used to love the plain cruellers (and occasionally the walnut crullers) which were huge chunks of deep-fried dough. The cruellers are gone now, disappearing in the general down-sizing…