
I’m going to admit that Donald Trump’s treatment of Volodymyr Zelenskyy today made me angry. It seems apparent that Zelenskyy was intended to simply take whatever Trump was offering – which would have essentially been to sell out all Ukraine’s minerals – and be thankful for the opportunity. Or, maybe, it was intended that there…

Privatizing Canada

Breadcrumb Trail Links InnovationNews 'The status quo is no longer working': Canadian tech leaders launch new platform to encourage innovation Build Canada will issue weekly policy proposals that include a summary of the issue at stake and real-world policy solutions Author of the article: Yvonne Lau Published Feb 04, 2025 • Last updated 18 minutes ago • 3 minute read Join the conversation Tobias Lutke, founder and chief executive officer of Shopify Inc., during a conference in in Laguna Beach, California, U.S., 2018. Tobias Lutke, founder and chief executive officer of Shopify Inc.,

LolaBeeAndMe writes, “This is me Standing on Guard, lots is happening right now, it’s hard to read the tea leaves sometimes and hoping for some insight from this sub on this Build Canada initiative. “Canadian Tech CEOs getting together to try and influence public perception and policy doesn’t feel right. I don’t want to be…

Policy Options

Immigration in Canada

Here’s a lesson in statistics and manipulative media. Policy Options’s Eugene Lang takes a look at public service employment statistics and manages to get just about everything wrong by misrepresenting what the data actually says. His very first words are a fabrication: “Forty-three per cent. That is how much Canada’s ‘core’ federal public administration —…

Housing and Immigration

Once again – the rising cost of housing has a lot more to do with private sector interference than it has to do with immigration. On the one hand, the housing available to Canadians is being reduced by speculators and would-be AirBnB hosts. “The Bank of Canada found that investors were responsible for 30 per…

A Conservative Government…


How do you think a conservative administration will shape the future of Canada for the next 5-10 years? I’m getting ready for the recession now. Every time we have a Conservative government we have a made-in-Canada recession. There’s no reason to believe this time will be any different. Spending will go up, a lot, but…

Some Arguments on Guns

All drawn from a Reddit thread. Here’s the setup. Calibre Magazine ran an article misleadingly titled ‘Total Spending On Long Gun Ban Will Exceed $100M This Fiscal Year‘. Misleading because the actual text of the government document references “to complete the collection and destruction of business owned assault style firearms and to establish a compensation…

Whither the CBC

CBC sign

Pierre Poilievre says he would defund the CBC. “I can’t wait to defund the CBC and sell off the headquarters for housing,” Poilievre posted on X this summer. I’d rate the CBC as neutral. As a left-winger I often find it too right-wing for my tastes – this is especially the case in news opinion…

Medical School Admissions

In a click-bait headline, the Globe and Mail pronounces, A hard diversity quota for medical-school admissions is a terrible, counterproductive idea (link to paywalled article). All other things being equal, access to essential social services such as higher education should reflect the demographics of the wider society, within a reasonable margin of error. This is…


Grant Potter

From grantpotter @grantpotter Pro-democracy activists have shown that far-right demonstrations of power have six core goals: To legitimize their views, strengthen their self-image as part of the downtrodden, unite their squabbling factions, attract new people to the movement, control media coverage, and feel powerful and heroic. https://bad-faith-times.ghost.io/weird-and-the-breaking-of-the-fascist-fever/ And from Anne-Marie Scott @Ammienoot@social.ds106.us @grantpotter “Progressives should…

Injection Sites

Supervised consumption site (SCS) gear

Pierre Poilievre has said that if the Conservatives form the next federal government, it not would provide “a single taxpayer dollar” to supervised consumption sites (SCS) for addicts, calling them “drug dens.” Poilievre’s comments are a reflection of what you get when you address social problems with dogma rather than evidence. People don’t intend to…