Moral Leadership

What prompted me to start this site (after, admittedly, thinking about it for a while) was the realization that I didn’t really have any platform where I could write this:

To imprison a seven-year old child and hold her without water until she dies of thirst demonstrates a complete lack of any moral leadership.

I refer, of course, to Jakelin Caal, who died December 8. And then on Christmas Eve, it happened again. This time, it was an eight-year old boy named Felipe Alónzo-Gomez.

I would have taken this as an obvious point, but apparently it hasn’t registered yet, that there are no excuses that justify these deaths. And any sort of moral or ethical argument that leads to this as an outcome is bankrupt.

And I think that these cases illustrate a general loss of moral leadership on the part of those very people who claim to be moral leaders, the politicians, by virtue of their offices, and their supporters, by virtue of their values and beliefs.

If your morality allows this, then you cannot come to me with any sense of or claim to moral leadership. Period.

That’s all I wanted to say – and I realized I needed a place to say it. Because someone has to say these things.